Plumbing Fixtures

Expert Technicians at Eric’s Plumbing are ready to help. Responsive. Reliable. Trusted.
Expert Technicians at Eric’s Plumbing are ready to help. Responsive. Reliable. Trusted.

What is a Fixture?

A fixture is normally an attachment or piece that can be removed or fixed.

A fixture is almost the same as an appliance, just more simple. Fixtures are the components of an appliance or other water device. A fixture is normally an attachment or piece that can be removed or repaired. Some examples are shower heads, valves, spigots, faucet heads, regulators, and handles.


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Give us a call at (801) 852-5651, we will get you scheduled!

We care about you and want to help assist you in all your plumbing needs.

Problems With Fixtures?

What are some issues with fixtures that you might need to call a plumber for?


Fixtures like your shower head can become corroded over time with grime and minerals. This can cause there to be a limited flow of water coming out.


These can stop turning and become corroded on the inside due to wear and tear. This can cause water to stop flowing or the valve/handle itself can stop working.


The faucet head normally has a screen to provide another way of filtering. Over time, this screen can become plugged with grime, minerals, and other objects that have been filtered out of the water. This can then lead to slow running water, limited water flow, or none at all.


Since spigots are normally located outside, substances can easily get trapped into the waterway. Dirt, dust, grime, bugs, snakes, and other stuff can get crammed into the spigot. It can cause no, or very limited, water to come out.


This is normally located on a pipe or part of
an appliance. It keeps track and controls how much water is send
through the pipes. This regulator can stop functioning over time due to wear and tear. When this happens, it can cause water to become stagnant in pipes and other places. Then when you want to use that water, it comes out nasty and unclean. Also, the regulator could shoot out too much water when you push the handle or lever for only a little. It is best to get this fixed as soon as possible.