Water Softeners

Need A Water Softener?

Water softeners are the most cost effective and efficient way to keep your water clean.

A water softener removes calcium and magnesium ions from the water that comes out of your faucet. The reason for this is, these minerals cause the pipes to build up deposits on the inside walls of those pipes. Then, over time it slows down the flow of water and eventually causes a clog. Also, the minerals react badly when you use soap to wash your hands, your dishes etc. So, for practicality and for your convenience it just replaces these minerals with sodium ions. Then the water comes out clean and ready for use. There are also many types of water softeners. These range anywhere from reverse osmosis to distillation.

Water Softener Problems

If you are having problems with your softener, get it fixed right away.

You do not want to deal with the repercussions of a broken softener. There are many problems that can occur. These problems can be fixed by professional plumbers, like us. The most common issues are the motor not running, water not being softened, iron content is too high, brine is not flowing, mechanical issues, and many other possible problems. To best identify and fix your problem, it is highly recommended to seek out a professional, trustworthy plumber. Just give us a call and we can find out what is wrong, guaranteed! We also know how difficult it can be to install a softener, having to swap around so many valves and hoses. So, for your convenience, we also offer softener installations.

Other Softener Issues

How do I know if the motor on my water softener is not working?

Well, simply put, you will be able to hear if the motor is running or not. It normally gives off a small hum when it is running. You can also detach it and see if the motor mechanism spins. If the machine is spinning, then it is not an issue with the motor.

How can I tell if my water is not being softened or the iron content is too high?

The easiest thing you can do to see if your water is being softened is this. You should heat a pan of water to about room temperature, about 20 minutes. Then check to see if there is any white-looking residue in the pan. If there is, then your water softener probably is not working correctly. Another troubleshooting option is, check to see if there are any mineral deposits on your shower head. Your showerhead will have crusty mineral deposits and residue on it if the softener is not working. Lastly, you can use a bar of soap for one week, then put it in a plastic baggy. After, use a different bar of soap for another week as well. Finally, compare the two bars of soap. Is the second one bigger than your first one? Are they the same size? Or is the first one bigger? If the second one is bigger than the first then your water softener is working just fine. Hard water would cause your soap to dissolve faster since it eats away at the soap.

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